Episode 76

#76 - Transitioning & Networking w/ Traci Lee

So you took a chance, made a change, & broke away (thanks, Kelly Clarkson) from a past version of yourself - your career, a relationship, a city. And now you’ll spread your wings & learn how to fly, right? Eh.. maybe after an identity crisis, sleepless nights & poorly timed shopping spree or three. On this episode of First Of All, Minji sits down with Traci Lee, a journalist & former Digital Editorial Manager of NBC Asian America. Together they talk through Traci’s recent decision to leave her job, & a huge part of her life’s work, as she moves on to explore the great unknown & write the next chapter of her life. They discuss the doubts, fears, a-ha moments, failures, & courage that comes with major life changes. They also share some tips on everyone’s most dreaded professional activity - NETWORKING. Seriously, how DO you make small talk with an absolute stranger or pitch yourself at an event without looking like a thirsty, idiotic weirdo? Beats us, but they’ve got a couple how-to pearls of wisdom to help carry you through your next happy hour. Godspeed.

This week's guest:

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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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