Episode 75
#75 - Embracing Change w/ Dante Basco
Change is inevitable. It can also mean reinvention. Every person is on their own journey with their own timelines, goals, challenges, failures & wins. What happens when you reach a goal & it's as amazing (or not) as you thought, then what? What about addressing new priorities, or life events that prompt unexpected realizations about your career, your love life, your purpose, or all of the above? In this episode of First Of All, Minji sits down with actor, producer & poet Dante Basco. From his early days as a b-boy dancer with his brothers to working with Spielberg playing Rufio in Hook as a teenager to a new career wave as Prince Zuko in Avatar: Last Airbender to poetry & producing films, Dante knows a thing or five about learning how to navigate change. Whether you're 15 or 50, it's the most constant part of life that we all can use help in embracing. We can also learn how to take ownership, define our purpose, & have a little fun while we're doing it. Bangarang!
This week's guest:
- Dante Basco - @dantebasco
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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina
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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective
Produced by @marvinyueh