Episode 78

#78 - Difficult Conversations w/ Byron James

It's safe to say that no one likes confrontation. It's uncomfortable, it's scary, it's awkward, & you don't know what the results are going to be. Whether you're talking with a significant other, a boss, your congressional representative, or yourSELF, being 100% open, honest, mature, & constructive with someone else when you're defensive, fearful, or just plain angry can feel like it's just near impossible. So instead of talking it out.. maybe you procrastinate, maybe you play the blame game, or maybe you just run away completely & call it a day. This week, Minji sits down with her friend, actor/writer Byron James, to go through some key moments in their lives when difficult conversations were unavoidable but monumentally important in their careers & relationships. They talk about taking responsibility, taking in different perspectives, learning how to actually listen to others, & how those lessons continue to apply to every situation & every relationship they have. Big changes, even massive societal shifts involving culture, religion & race, can come from small actions that we take everyday. So let's sit down & talk this out fam.

This week's guest:

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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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