Episode 49

#49 - Feeling FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) w/ JoonLeeComedy

“Is everyone hanging out without me? Why wasn’t I invited? Wow, their life seems amazing..and mine... sucks. I mean, I’m broke and exhausted and have a million things I need to do.. but.. I can’t NOT go. I hate this, but everyone else is doing it..might as well.” Sound familiar? Welcome to the age of FOMO- fear of missing out. This episode, Minji sits down with one of her favorite ATLiens on the planet- comedian Joon Lee. Together they go down the rabbit hole of dealing with daily, relentless, obnoxious, distracting, toxic & sometimes soul-crushing FOMO. They get real about how much it influences their lives in different ways, and a reality check on how to deal with it all. If you’re getting swept up in constantly comparing yourself to others in this extra triggering social media society, we got you.

This week's guest:

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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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