Episode 48

#48 - Opportunity Costs

In high school, Minji fell asleep in Econ class. In college, she tried it once more, only this time became completely intrigued & inspired by its concepts. One of her absolute favs? OPPORTUNITY COST - the benefits an individual misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. It's a concept that's more & more significant as she works hard at making smart, productive, healthy decisions. As time, energy, and bs tolerance become increasingly scarce in Minji's life, she realizes the importance of stepping back & recognizing the impact & payoff of her decisions, big & small. What are we giving up to prioritize the choices that we make? How can we assess if giving up X, we'll be more satisfied with Y? How do our actions align (or misalign) with our values & beliefs? Whether these decisions regard health, money, or relationships, Minji reflects on it on this solo episode of First Of All.

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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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