Episode 71

#71 - Leveling Up w/ Miracle Mornings

Time for a heart to heart from Minji about anxiety & her thought process around building a career, maintaining good health & growing fulfilling relationships. All of these things feed into one another & many times feels like there are just too many balls in the air to juggle all at once. What do we do when the overwhelm becomes too much? How do we approach problems that feel like they’re too big or just impossible to solve? Minji finds one way to face the big unknown & level up as a grown woman by addressing the basics: her daily habits. In this episode, she shares a new practice of daily tasks to quiet the noise & create real practical habits that shape her mental well-being. And what’s crazy is watching it actually work. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, y’all.

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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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