Episode 62

#62 - Connecting the Dots w/ Andrew Ahn

As far as we can tell, there aren't that many people that can say they knew EXACTLY what their career would be early on, or had an easy time laying the groundwork to build it. For most of us regular folk, finding a career is much like a baby deer learning how to walk - it's awkward, entertaining, shaky, scary, & an inevitable part of the process. Or as we at First Of All like to call it, "the journey." How does a person take a mix of passion, interest, talent, timing, & good old-fashioned hard work, & produce a job that can pay the bills, keep our spirits inspired & our sanity intact? In this episode, Minji sits down with her dear friend & award-winning director Andrew Ahn. Together they take a look back at the many steps that brought them to their current places in life, & acknowledge the scattered but meaningful steps that brought them where they both believe they should be. Get ready from some practical advice, like student loan management & when to leave your day job for a passion career, plus some therapeutic soul-searching on anger, anxiety, & learning how to trust your gut.

This week's guest:

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Our theme song is "Yellow Ranger" by Awkwafina

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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