Episode 159

#159 - Stepping Out & Stepping Away

You ever reach a point in life when you step back and are just like, "Why have I been doing it this way???" Four plus years and many episodes later, Minji takes a moment to pause, reflect and make some big life decisions. Tune in to hear about radical responsibility + self-love, changing habits,  and what’s changing for First Of All.  

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▫️ Music featured in this episode is "Uzutrap" by Uzuhan  
▫️ Follow the show on Instagram and Twitter and support our Patreon
▫️ This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh & @AnnaSun
Supported by @JulianaDeer

00:00:00 - Intro

00:00:39 - Announcement time

00:01:55 - The first season 

00:04:26 - Coming to this decision 

00:07:07 - Cold hard truth 

00:20:20 - Go to bat and swing

00:25:21 - Thank you’s

00:32:04 - Minji Out

00:33:00 - Outro

About the Podcast

Show artwork for First of All
First of All