Episode 154

#154 - Panic Attacks & Chicken Cutlets

This week, Minji is extra thankful, humbled, and lost all at the same time as she examines the state of the world, America’s battle with Covid and common sense, concerns in her personal life as well as her very own scary run-in with 'Rona. Forced to go into full blown quarantine once again, she works through a panic attack, bouts of despair and a lot of anxiety. While in recovery, she comes across a documentary that educates and fires her up about longstanding gender discrimination in Hollywood. She shares her own experience with toxic body image through an unlikely fashion accessory and what she is doing to undo the warped representations of "reality" we're so used to as well as the overwhelming news of the world. Get ready to hear her hopes, revelations and self-liberation talk and why the world needs us to put out more messages of hope and support for all things good and positive.  

Additional Notes: 

Quote from IG: 

“One way to keep your heart together when the state of the world weighs heavy on it, is to simply help somebody. Even if it is just one person.”

Netflix Documentary:

“This Changes Everything”  


00:00:00 - Intro  

00:02:51 - State of the world? Not rosy.  

00:04:25 - Personal turmoil and unknowns 

00:07:11 - Quote to manage some of the despair 

00:08:37 - First story: Run in with Covid

00:17:01 - I’m fine, I’m fine. (She was not fine) 

00:21:09 - Managing reasonable anxiety 

00:23:36 - Second story: self-care includes documentaries 

00:29:43 - Enter chicken cutlets  

00:36:56 - Slutty halloween costume

00:47:38 - Tying it all together with a nod to TikTok and a rally cry

00:54:31 - Outro + Special shout-out to Patreon patron 

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Music featured in this episode include "Uzuhan" by Uzuhan and "Pretty Lies" by Run River North

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh & @AnnaSun

Supported by @JulianaDeer

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