Episode 150

#150 - A Beautiful & Terrifying Getaway (Happy 4th Birthday FOA!!)

In this episode, Minji shares a meaningful and harrowing experience of treating herself to her very first solo vacation to Hawaii. From making the decision, committing to keeping it, budgeting, and then actually spending a lot of time alone in a new environment, she goes through a whole mess of fun and sometimes awkward, sometimes difficult growth. This goes out to everyone who’s figuring out how to better love themselves, taking risks, and facing fears (uh, like ghosts). This is all very timely as we celebrate both Minji AND First Of All’s birthdays!! THANK YOU to all the listeners who have been on this 4 year long journey with us!

 **Note: Minji would like to note that she has learned about some of the recent difficulties Hawaiians have been facing in the sudden flood of tourists in 2021, so she asks you please be mindful as you consider traveling to any part of the islands.

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Music featured in this episode include "Uzuhan" by Uzuhan and "Peace at Last" by Tim Atlas

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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