Episode 146

#146 - Outgrowing People Pleasing (the Disease to Please) with Kevyn Fong

For some people, it's easy to ask for what they want. It's not a big deal to say no. It doesn't take everything out of them to put themselves first all the time or even a majority of the time when it comes to big and little decisions. Some people walk around not having a bottomless need for approval, permission, or external validation. For anything. Seriously. And for some people, they don't know what that existence even begins to feel like because all they do is maneuver themselves around others and compromise their comfort for everyone else. And a lot of us may be somewhere in the middle. In this episode, Minji brings back her dear friend Kevyn Fong to unpack his inspiring COVID glow up that involved addressing a lifelong struggle with people pleasing. While Kevyn committed himself to getting physically fit and healthy, the internal shift that happened was undeniable and just as fulfilling as the outer transformation. They open up about what was at the root of playing small to stay "safe", and how they've taken tangible steps to say no (and mean it), ask for help, and become the main characters of their own stories. 

This week's guest:

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Music featured in this episode include "Uzuhan" by Uzuhan and "Louder" by Alfa

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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