Episode 143

#143 - Enough Is Enough - Now What?

The last several weeks of anti-Asian violence and the subsequent expanding conversation around anti-racism in general has intensified. While communities and individuals have turned to various sources for information and outlets to express their grief, we've all come to revisit the enormity of the problem and felt a number of feelings from bitterness and rage to fear and hopelessness.  None of these issues are simple, but all have left their mark in society that enough has been enough for way too long and there is work to be done. For AAPI specifically, there has been an internal and external call to action to stop the silence and stand up for ourselves. The question is, how?  Minji shares reflections from recent conversations with individuals who range from being well-versed on the issue of structural racism and those who are just stepping up to the plate to speak out. How can we continue to share constructive strategies so our pain and suffering don't fester into lasting hatefulness and distrust? Minji touches upon growing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the workplace, identifying ways to partner with other groups, and taking time to intentionally address personal pain points. 


The Asian American community is going through a time of collective grief following a year of rising racial tensions and fear, punctuated by this week’s tragic murders in Atlanta. To our listeners who are looking for ways to take more direct action, either to spread the word, protect our community, or support the victims, here are some resources for you:


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Our theme song is "Someone's Beloved" by MILCK 

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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