Episode 139

#139 - Dealing With Uncertainty with Kulap Vilaysack (Add To Cart Podcast)

Ever feel like you're working so freaking hard at "getting it together", leveling up, building the life of your dreams, etc... only to have life throw you a curve ball? Say.. a rejection, a change of heart, or even a little global pandemic? As much as we're constantly seeking certainty and control, life is usually anything but. So while we're all STILL smack in the middle of the highly uncertain COVID era, we say it's a great time to get introspective on dealing with the uncomfortable, peculiar in-between. In this episode, Minji sits down with the wildly talented and hilarious Kulap Vilaysack, writer/director and host of Add To Cart Podcast. Together they float on their respective metaphorical life rafts, trying to make sense of this past year, our turbulent society, and our relationships. Kulap shares some wise perspective on navigating a changing and fulfilling career in Hollywood from acting in The Office to becoming a showrunner, even with the common (and crippling) comparison game. She dives into her journey finding her father and discovering her roots in Laos while making her documentary Origin Story. From politics to creating rituals to stay grounded, this is a safe space for anyone out there just trying to get through the day. Same, we got you. 

This week's guest:

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Our theme song is "Uzutrap" by Uzuhan and "Peace At Last" by Tim Atlas

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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