Episode 136

#136 - Micro-Moving Into 2021

Alright, so we made it to 2021, which has been feeling an awful like an extension of the 2020 season of Life. Still in a pandemic, still unclear about the future, facing our private and personal struggles on top of the societal/global issues that are just impossible to ignore. The bad part? We still don't know how much longer we'll be in these circumstances. FR, most likely a good while longer. The good part? It's not forever. We still have each other. We're building resilience together. And we're learning how to rise to the occasion and face challenges that will strengthen us as individuals for the long haul. While we're all just doing our best make it through the day, hold onto a job, navigate our relationships, maintain our health, and keep faith alive for brighter days, we're forced to take it all a day at a time. In this episode, Minji kicks off FOA season 2021 with a direct heart to heart with anyone who needs it. She shares the inner work that's helped her work through the mental noise, the emotional chaos, and the real life challenges of making a living with a fluctuating supply of energy and motivation. The key? Big values and visions with MICRO MOVES. Take every task, every goal, every priority one teeny tiny step at a time when you can. We've got this fam!!


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Our theme song is "Uzutrap" by Uzuhan

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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