Episode 130
#130 - Learning How To Like Myself with Melly Lee
Self-validation, where have you been our entire lives? How wonderful it is to actually LIKE yourself without having it followed up by guilt, shame, anxiety, or doubt. Seriously, those "feeling myself" moments are EVERYTHING. They can come in waves, they can come momentarily, but hopefully we're all on a path of increasing, genuine, lasting appreciation of who we are just as we are. BUT HOW DOES ONE GET THERE??? Far be it from us to tell you what your best way is. But we will share many personal thoughts, experiences, hijinks, self-critical judgments, epiphanies, truth bombs, and miracles that got us to where we are. In this episode, Minji sits down with her dear friend slash amazing photographer, blogger, and visual storyteller Melly Lee. Together they sift through their past rubble of feeling lost, disillusioned, disconnected, and hopeless, and how they came to have moments of feeling content and proud of who they are. They discuss everything from cognitive behavioral therapy to breath work (oh hai, Wim Hof) and Meyers Briggs assessments, accepting help from lifeline friends to helping ourselves through building daily habits and affirmations. Practical, spiritual, heart, soul, & mind unite!
This week's guest:
- Melly Lee (@MellyLee_)
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Music in this episode include "State Change" from by Priska
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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective
Produced by @marvinyueh