Episode 128

#128 - Love Is A Choice with Yoshi Sudarso

Many a hopeless romantic has walked around with the notion that things are or aren't "meant to be". That life, and certainly love, is a series of divinely coordinated ups and downs with a predetermined destination. Or is it like Forrest Gump says- who knows if we have a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze? Maybe it's both. In this episode, MInji sits down with her friend, actor and stuntman Yoshi Sudarso to talk about love and fate. Yoshi shares his beautiful lifelong journey to love, marriage, and now baby(!!) with his wife Sarah. From meeting Sarah as a young boy and being smitten with her from afar to getting the actual real thing, there were many many twists and turns in between. Yoshi and Minji go in depth about his path of growing from infatuated kid to an adult who practices wisdom, courage, and free will to choose love with eyes wide open.  

This week's guest:

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Music in this episode includes "Uzutrap" from by Uzuhan

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This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Produced by @marvinyueh

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